Hold on, are you saying I'm a shark...iii'm a shark...suck mah dick...i'm a shark, I'm the shark here mate, and i eat fello sharks.
I make the funnies
Age 28, Male
Animator, student
Basildon academy
My house
Joined on 7/14/09
Hold on, are you saying I'm a shark...iii'm a shark...suck mah dick...i'm a shark, I'm the shark here mate, and i eat fello sharks.
lol, thats a quote from parody rangers, go eat him
Hey man, check out this link <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKxiLCMb6Q4&feature=fvw">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKxiLC Mb6Q4&feature=fvw</a>
work with me to make an animation, and you soon enough will have front page!
Why not :)
Hey dude, that's my resolution too. hey if you want, you could contact iloveicelollies, we are doign the ultimate series which will be comign out soon, then wwe're doing a second one, mayeb you can get in on it.