well people...i have....5! projects to do from now till february. I know that doesn't sound so bad considering its 1/2 months to do them but...thats ALOT of projects especially thinking of all the other OOP movies i've taken care of. I REALLY don't think i'd be able to dump these on another member and have them cover me plus do their movies but...y'know i'd hate to dissapoint the guys back at OOP studios so...i'm gonna try my best to get em all done although i REALLY dont think that i'll have them all done by my deadline.
Plus after the deadline i'm returning to my mildly succesful animated series, ''When pokemon go bad'' the next will be episode 2. I haven't read the script in a while but i remember something about going to a bar and Clive ends up in jail somehow...i REALLY can't remember.
I've recieved the voicing files for my next OOP flash movie...um...something about link...a conversation about the game...basically its a parody...
Soon after i'll be doing ''Skull kid revealed'' i read the script recently and i think its pretty funny, it involves link for some reason. Basically the point of it is Link gets scared of the real face of skull kid. He has a pretty funny reaction to it.
Well, look out for all these projects, they should all be done.
Hey dude, like the post, I'll send you the scripts for WPGB.